AI-Self diagnosis home healthcare system`s web

Product Congiguration

This system consists of a dedicated device and Apps, has individual functions for each field, and AI self-diagnosis system can be used when the device and Apps are linked.

Click the icon above to go to the device details screen.

Click the icon above to go to the Apps details screen.

Who can use this System?

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Contact Us

Head Office ADDRESS

Office RM#1, 7F, 444, Dongbaekjukjeon-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Contact Info

Phone : +82 (31)306-5645
E-mail :
Manager : Brad Lim

About Us

We are a company that provides digital healthcare device manufacturing and services. Our goal is to build and settle a home healthcare system.

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